samedi 8 mai 2010

Just Stopping

One of the most important lessons i am remembering is how important it is to pause, breathe and be completely consumed by the moment. Just now i was standing in my room with the windows flung wide open and allowing myself to be kissed by the sun. It wasn't a long time, maybe three or four minutes but in that eternity--peace, space, expansion were present and fulfilling. Here in Paris there seems to be many opportunities for that. Maybe it is the parks, the flowers, the architecture, the statues or even the people. Maybe it is because i am not in a hurry do something, everything or even anything. When i walk, which is everyday, i see people stopped, sitting on benches, on the quai next to the Seine, pausing at cafes, sipping coffee, smoking a cigarette--just stopping. It is a good remembering for me.

Last night i was at a cafe in Montmartre with some new French friends. The Project is their neighborhood Cheers. In the course of the evening, a prominent, drunk "artiste" stopped to share his incoherent views with these friends, next came the crazy woman "artiste" in her pajamas? spattered with paint and clumps of hair missing, then the cigarette lady less than five feet tall, round with oversized eyes, drooping mouth, bossing all of her clients around and reaching deep into her mystery bag and pulling out specialty brands for known clients. It was like a street cabaret. And i had a beautiful front row seat for the price of a verre du vin (glass of wine). It was so easy to be entertained. Is life like this all the time?

Pause, breathe and be consumed by the feast life is delivering. A beautiful remembering.

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