mardi 11 mai 2010

Taking Off the Filter

A partial list of things that have made me laugh at loud or at least smile in the last eight hours:

1. My toes tickled into happiness when I slip my feet into decadent sheep wool lined slippers.
2. The feel of water throwing itself at me through the shower head as i sit in my over-sized dog bowl i mean, bathtub.
3. Watching the smile appear on a beggar's face as i look him in the eye, put a armful of respect into his empty cup and say "bonjour monsieur."
4. The rain kissing my face.
5. The taste of dark chocolate with a grenache-syrah wine.
6. Having my head massaged into ecstasy at the coiffure.
7. Blow drying my hair until it feels like a cloud surrounding ma tete.
8. Lastly watching a young man pushing is his daughter in a stroller covered by a clear plastic cover, hearing her make a fuss and as the man took off the filter, y viola a giant smile beaming from her as soon as she could "see."

May we all take off the filters and "see" the joy that surrounds us in every moment.

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